
The Sacrament of Baptism is often called "The door of the Church," because it is the first of the seven Sacraments not only in time, but also in priority. Once baptized, a person becomes a member of the Church. It signifies a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship.

The Role Of The Community

* Baptisms are normally celebrated during Mass. Christian initiation is an ecclesial event - the sacramental act by which the community welcomes others into its life.


* Preparation for parents, including discussion of the signs, symbols and meaning of baptism, is required prior to the celebration of the Sacrament.

* Preparation should be arranged at least two weeks in advance. Baptisms are not scheduled during Advent or Lent.


* Baptisms are administered only on Sundays after the 9.00 am Mass.

* As per the Archdiocesan policy, no individual Baptism with Mass is allowed, unless one has an explicit permission from the Archbishop.

* Parents of the child to be baptised, kindly meet the Parish Priest to discuss about the forthcoming baptism. Kindly bring your family card when you come to meet the Parish Priest.

* With his consent, obtain Notice of Baptism from the Catechist from the Parish office.

* Fix a date for pre-baptism instructions with the Parish Priest.

* Make sure that the Parents and God Parents make confession before the baptism of the child.

* Attend the Mass before the Sacrament of Baptism is administered.

* Certificate of Baptism can be collected from the Parish office.