Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolate organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The Legion of Mary in St. Luke's parish began in the 80's.

We are headed by the Parish Priest as the spiritual director, president, vice president, secretary and treasure. We attend weekly meetings. we recite the legion prayers, rosary, catena, and concluding prayers. The Catena is recited every day.

The members go for hospital visits, house visits, help in Parish activities etc.

There are four praesidiums in Tamil in the Parish, with a total of 60 members, and one praesidium in Enlgish with 12 members.

The Tamil Curia meets every second Sunday and Tamil praesidium meets on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. English praesidium meets on Thursday


Mrs. Stella Mary, President - 9952974111


Mr. Chinnaparaj - 9841962399


Mrs. Adeline D’mello, President - 9840103032

Mrs. R. Amalraj, Vice-President

Mrs F. Mendoza, Secretary

Mrs Shanti, Treasurer