
The St. Luke’s Parish youth group consists of 15-20 members in the age group of 18-30 years. The group meets regularly after the 9.00 am Sunday Mass at around 10.30 am. The members of the youth group are committed to assist the Parish Priest in various activities of the Parish. They are an active bunch of individuals who are committed to grow together in faith, fellowship and community spirit.Young boys and girls who have completed their 12th Std, are welcome to join the youth group and actively contribute your mite for the growth of the parish.


* Mr. Michael Vinoth Raj, President - 8438375922

* Mr. Eugene Prathap, Vice-President - 9841007344

* Mr. Arun Praveen, Secretary - 9840455814

* Mr. Vinod Yesuraja, Joint Secretary - 9094868834

* Ms. Leema - Treasurer

* Mr. Arvind Arthur - Advisor

* Mr. Godwin Nevez - Co-ordinator