Holy Matrimony

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her - Ephesians 5:15

For Catholics, the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God's values.

The ministers of the Sacrament of Marriage are the spouses themselves, because the mark - the external sign - of the Sacrament is not the wedding Mass, but the marriage contract itself. This does not mean the wedding license that the couple receives, but the vows that each spouse makes to the other. As long as each spouse intends to contract a true marriage, the Sacrament is performed.



  • Approach the Parish Priest to discuss the forthcoming marriage at least three months in advance. Kindly bring your family card when you come to meet the Parish Priest.
  • Kindly note that three weeks are needed to announce the Banns.
  • The procedure to initiate the writing of banns is done from the Bride’s side.
  • Kindly obtain the following documents before coming to meet the Parish Priest:
    • Baptism certificate of both prospective Bride and Groom. Kindly note that a baptism certificate issued for the purpose of marriage is valid only for six months.
    • Marriage Preparation Course certificates of both prospective Bride and Groom.
    • The Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form (PNE) has to be filled by the Bride/Groom and signed in the presence of the Parish Priest by touching the Holy Bible.
  • Once the Pre-Nuptial enquiry form is filled, the Banns will be announced on three consecutive Sundays.
  • Kindly confirm well in advance the date of the marriage with the Parish Priest in order to avoid last minute inconveniences.
  • After the marriage is solemnized kindly collect the Marriage Certificate from the parish where the marriage was solemnized and get the same duly attested by the Chancery office in the Archbishop’s House for processing the civil registration of the marriage.


  • Approach the Parish Priest to discuss the forthcoming marriage at least three months in advance. Kindly bring your family card when you come to meet the Parish Priest.
  • If the Christian person desires to become a Catholic before marriage, then he/she will be received into the Church through the profession of faith after proper instruction. If the Christian person desires to continue in his/her denomination then a dispensation for marriage has to be sought from the impediment of mixed religion from the Archbishop’s House.
  • Kindly obtain the following documents before coming to meet the Parish Priest:
    • Baptism certificate of both Catholic and Christian party (which ever denomination or Church were baptized in). Kindly note that a baptism certificate issued for the purpose of marriage is valid only for six months.
    • A letter from the Pastor of the concerned Christian Church and an affidavit saying that he/she is not married.
    • Marriage Preparation Course certificates of both prospective Bride and Groom from the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore.
    • The Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form (PNE) has to be filled by both prospective Bride and Groom and signed in the presence of the Parish Priest by touching the Holy Bible. This has to be then taken to Archbishop’s House, in order to procure dispensation from impediment of mixed religion.
  • Once the Pre-Nuptial enquiry form is filled, the Banns will be announced on three consecutive Sundays.
  • Kindly confirm well in advance the date of the marriage with the Parish Priest in order to avoid last minute inconveniences.
  • After the marriage is solemnized kindly collect the Marriage Certificate from the parish where the marriage was solemnized and get the same duly attested by the Chancery office in the Archbishop’s House for processing the civil registration of the marriage.


  • Approach the Parish Priest to discuss the forthcoming marriage at least three months in advance. Kindly bring your family card when you come to meet the Parish Priest.
  • If the non-Christian person desires to become a Catholic before marriage, then he/she will have to attend instructions/catechism and be administered the sacraments of initiation. If the non-christian person desires to continue in his/her faith then a dispensation for marriage has to be sought from the impediment of disparity of cult from the Archbishop’s House.
  • Kindly obtain the following documents before coming to meet the Parish Priest:
    • Baptism certificate of the Catholic party. Kindly note that a baptism certificate issued for the purpose of marriage is valid only for six months.
    • An affidavit by both parties stating that they are not married and are freely marrying the other without any force.
    • Marriage Preparation Course certificates of both prospective Bride and Groom.
    • The Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form (PNE) has to be filled by both prospective Bride and Groom and signed in the presence of the Parish Priest by touching the Holy Bible. This has to be then taken to Archbishop’s House, in order to procure dispensation from impediment of disparity of cult.
  • Once the Pre-Nuptial enquiry form is filled, the Banns will be announced on three consecutive Sundays, if the non-christian becomes a catholic. If he remains a non christian then through license.
  • Kindly confirm well in advance the date of the marriage with the Parish Priest in order to avoid last minute inconveniences.
  • After the marriage is solemnized kindly collect the Marriage Certificate from the parish where the marriage was solemnized and get the same duly attested by the Chancery office in the Archbishop’s House for processing the civil registration of the marriage.